
Do You Feel Confident With Your Bug-Out Plan?

Does your bug-out plan include these essentials? Packing the right bug-out bag necessities is critical for you and your family’s safety. Since staying in your home during a severe weather emergency is not always an option, you must plan carefully. For example, there may be a natural disaster like a hurricane on the way. In […]

Do You Know What Survival Mistakes to Avoid After a Natural Disaster?

People make a lot of survival mistakes after a natural disaster that can put them, as well as others, at risk. This often happens out of negligence or lack of knowledge about the dangers inherent following these events. Image by Barroa Pixabay You want to take the time to learn what to do in preparation […]

What Survival Supplies Should You Store For Long-Term Disaster?

Survival supplies are a critical element to having long-term disaster relief. Your life could well depend on how well you prepared before the disaster struck. You need to gather what you need to survive right now as well as have a plan for extended disaster. You can store these supplies items in a cool, dry […]

Water Storage To Keep Your Supply Safe During An Emergency

Having water storage containers is critical to your emergency preparation in case of severe weather conditions. Extreme weather and power outages can leave you without something crucial to your survival: water. Extreme cold can cause pipes to burst, and power outages can make water unsafe to drink due to purification plants shutting down. In such […]

Simple Winter Weather Preparedness To Fortify Your Home

It’s essential to practice winter weather preparedness to make sure you’re not caught off guard when severe cold hits. From a few hours of snow to a few days of heavy snowstorm, extreme winter weather can create havoc in your life. So, getting in front of a situation is always better than trying to react […]

What Survival Gear Should You Keep In Your Car If You Must Leave In Extreme Weather?

You need to have emergency survival gear packed in your car. If you’re a true prepper you know that being prepared for extreme weather involves preparations for indoor as well as outdoor. Of course, you should have a bug-out bag at home as well. Because you can never be too prepared. But many forget about […]

keep home warm in cold weather

Proven Cold Weather Home Tips You Can Use Right Now

Freezing temperatures impact not just how you feel when you’re outside but also your comfort level and safety inside your home. It’s essential, therefore, to protect your home from the onslaught by using these cold weather home tips. Being prepared for any kind of increment weather is usually the smart way to stay ahead of […]

Flooding News


Power Grid Outage Solutions For Anyone Who’s Ever Been Stuck In The Dark

Your power goes out unexpectedly. Or the community was warned. Whichever the case, power grid outage and the resulting lack of essentials is one of the most disrupting aspects of a weather emergency Your power goes out unexpectedly. Or the community was warned. Whichever the case, power grid outage and the resulting lack of essentials […]

What Are Your Options For A Fire Starter In An Emergency?

You can never predict when you’ll need a fire starter. You simply must be prepared. It’s one of the most important items to have in a serious survival-type situation. You may need to have the means of starting a fire. Imagine there’s a severe weather emergency and it’s extremely cold outside and you’re without power […]