6 Items To Help You Prepare For A Major Disaster
Be prepared. That’s usually advice many of us are given often throughout our lives.
Or we’re told in most life situations, that we can never be too prepared. In fact, here’s a popular quote from within the preppers’ and survivalists’ world…
That belief is adopted by most serious preppers/survivalists who believe that you that you can never be too prepared.
To that end, there’s no end to the number of items you can buy to give you an edge in case of emergencies. Indeed, buying survival-styled equipment can even become addictive.
Let’s look at 6 useful items serious preppers recommend that up and coming preppers should make sure they have in their arsenal. These suggestions are not to give you an edge.
Not even close to being comprehensive, this list is only the beginning of your preparation.
But they are helpful during most crises.
» For example, during cold weather when there are winter storms and the power goes out, several of these items will be good to have.
1. Tire chains for your vehicle–especially if you live in a place where you usually get heavy snow.
In inclement weather, when the roads are icy or covered with snow, you’ll need…
- Cable Tire Chain made by the Security Chain Company for passenger cars will be extremely useful if you need to get around.
» In some survival situations, you may be forced to leave your house. Maybe there’s an impending hurricane or impending tsunami. Whatever the case may be, you need to haul a**. And you need to do it quickly.
If you’re well-prepared with the right tire chains, you’ll be good to go. If not, it’s best to have…
2. Premium Emergency Survival Bag/Kit in your car—if you’re not prepared as indicated above.
You may need more than one Premium emergency survival bag if you have several family members. There are enough supplies in the bag to last 2 people for 72-hours.
So, you can quickly leave your home and get to somewhere safer without wasting time packing supplies. It’s an excellent investment.
3. Swiss Safe first aid kit. You must always have a first aid kit in your car, and preferably one in your house too.
- This first aid kit has 200 pieces of first aid equipment such as: gauze, bandages, band aids, tweezers, alcohol swabs, a first aid guide and much more.
- The kit itself is compact, lightweight and very portable.
The chances of getting injured (cuts, bruises, etc.) are high during a crisis. So, having a couple of first aid kits will help you administer treatment more easily and mitigate the issue until professional medical help is available.
» During a survival situation, the water supply may become contaminated. This often happens during floods and hurricanes. So, even if you’re getting water from the tap, that doesn’t mean the water is safe to drink. Therefore, you’ll need…
4. Potable Aqua Germicidal Water Purification Tablets to treat water.
The first thing to do at time like these is to boil the water before drinking.
- Allow the water to cool and use Potable Aqua Germicidal Water Purification Tablets to treat the water.
- These tablets will eliminate most harmful bacteria, cysts and viruses that are found in water that’s contaminated.
Once you treat the water, it generally will be safe for drinking. If you wish to be extra careful, you may drink the treated water using a Lifestraw personal water filter.
5. Survival Tabs. It’s likely you’ll not be getting all the nutrients you need under these circumstances.
Nutrient deficiencies are common during times of prolonged crisis.
This is often due to food shortages. Either people are panic buying or supplies can’t get through because of blocked roads. In some cases, the weather may be so bad that trucks can’t deliver supplies and the store shelves are empty.
If you’ve stored food at home, you’ll be able to ration your food. But even then, you’ll run out of perishables such as meat and vegetables soon enough. You’ll then have to depend on packaged meals, instant noodles, canned food, etc.
The easiest way to overcome this problem will be to have a few bags of Survival Tabs.
- Each bag has 96 tablets which amounts to an 8-day food supply.
- These small, chewy tablets don’t look like much, but they actually taste good and are packed with 15 essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs. These tablets will pick up the slack in your daily nutrient requirements.
- The tablets are gluten-free and have a shelf-life of up to 25 years. So, you only need to purchase them once, they’ll be in your stores for years to come. It’s truly a fantastic survival food.
When it comes to survival, there’s just so much to learn and know. Most beginner preppers will be overwhelmed. In fact, during a crisis, when your adrenaline levels are high, trying to recall what you learned or need to do can be even more difficult.
One of the best investments you could make is to get a pocket-sized survival guide such as…
6. Tiny Survival Guide. While it may appear small, this guide definitely packs a punch. In it, you’ll find:
- 101 illustrations
- 27 gear checklists
- mistakes to avoid
- expert tips to follow and
- life-saving skills displayed.
The guide is a useful reference you can use used during times of natural disasters, civil unrest, wilderness mishaps, terror threats and much more. You’ll have to see it to believe it.
This article has mentioned several useful items that will benefit those who may be concerned about forecasted disaster as well as the serious preppers. You don’t need to buy them all at once. For the moment, get what you need with the budget that you have. It’s all about preparing.
You can get the rest over time and build up your supplies steadily to make sure you have them in your survival arsenal. Remember: You can never be too prepared. This is just the beginning of the process.