Water Storage To Keep Your Supply Safe During An Emergency

Having water storage containers is critical to your emergency preparation in case of severe weather conditions. Extreme weather and power outages can leave you without something crucial to your survival: water.

water container

Extreme cold can cause pipes to burst, and power outages can make water unsafe to drink due to purification plants shutting down.

In such an event, you need to have multiple ways of supplying your family with water for different purposes. 

One simple option if you live in a rainy area is to get a rain-water storage container.

Whenever it rains, this container will get partially filled up, allowing you to store a decent amount of water, fulfilling your need for emergency water storage.

While rain water isn’t perfectly safe to drink, you can certainly use it to wash up and to flush your toilets.

You can also purify your rain water using tablets or filters, giving you drinkable water if you need it.

It’s most important to keep a supply of potable water (stored water that’s safe to drink).

You can live for a week without taking a shower or flushing the toilet, as gross as that may sound or may be. But you cannot survive a week without drinking any water.

Generally, you can only go about 3 days without drinking any water before you become severely dehydrated and risk serious injury or death. So, having a large supply of drinking water can literally be a life saver.

A great way to store tons of water over a long period of time is by using water bricks.

These are large water containers that easily and conveniently stack together, just like bricks do. This saves you a lot of space, meaning you should be able to keep six or more easily even in a small apartment.

It’s crucial that you choose long-term storage containers that are BPA free.

BPA is a chemical that can be found in many plastics, including those disposable water bottles. The problem is, over time, it can seep from the container into your water, which can have negative effects on you. By getting a BPA free container, you won’t have to worry about this.

If you know that bad weather is on the way, it might also be worth it to get a large water bag for your bathtub.

Also referred to as bathtub water bladder, with this water storage container …

o Essentially, you simply fill the tub up using your bath water tap.

These tub containers are not meant for taking a bath. But rather as emergency drinking water.

Whether these or other types, every home should have emergency water storage containers. They could save your life.

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