What Kind Of Generator Should You Use To Keep Power Flowing In An Outage?

With severe weather events on the rise, having a generator can be a very valuable asset because inevitably during some of these extreme occurrences, there will be power outages. If the power outage is brief, it can be easy to go without power for a few hours.

Image by alyoshine from Pixabay

However, if the outage lasts awhile, you’re going to want to be prepared to have the equipment that you can depend on that will help you through the challenge of being without electricity. Having the right generator goes a long toward that end.

Generators come in different sizes and can power different amounts of devices. They also have different sources of generating that power. Deciding what type you want depends on what works best for you and your lifestyle.

If you don’t have much space in your house or live in an apartment, a gas generator is going to be a bit of a stretch for you.

Gas generators are not only large, but they must be put outside for use because of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning if they’re used indoors.

For smaller spaces, experts on survival recommend a solar generator or a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply).

  • The solar generators are essentially batteries that charge using solar energy.  They convert sunlight to energy to power up appliances. Some come with solar panels installed, and others need to be connected separately. These work efficiently since you can set them outside and leave them to charge; then you take them indoors and use them.

The UPS is most used for computers to keep them running briefly after a power outage, but they do hold a fair amount of charge. There’s a number on the front of the units that shows how much energy they have left. With this information you’ll know how much power you’re using.

  • Gas generators are very efficient and are great for longer term power outages, but they do have their drawbacks.
          • They have to be placed outside, to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning from the engine, and
          • They also require you to have a supply of gasoline on hand to use in them.

If that’s no problem for you, though, they’re fantastic. However, it’s best that you consult a professional so that you can understand the safety measures and precautions in using gas generators.

        • These generators can provide a lot of energy, enough for you to run things like a small space heater, charge phones and laptops, and more.
        • While they do cost a bit more, they’re worth it since as long as you have gasoline, you’ll always have access to electricity, which can be a lifesaver during extreme weather conditions.

Having a generator long before severe weather strikes is your best bet in dealing with challenging weather emergencies. Preparation is the key. This way, you’ll know how to set it up and use it when a power outage hits.

Not only will you become familiar with using the generator, but in familiarizing yourself with it, you’ll learn about the safety features. And with the current spate of severe weather events, it’s critical that you learn the proper and safe way to use a generator.

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