Can A Freeze-Dried Meal Be Tasty?
There’s a freeze-dried meal for just about everyone. Granted, it’s not likely that you can get a tasty dehydrated juicy hamburger but still…. Storing food rations for a ‘rainy day’ is probably one of biggest chores that most preppers face. If you’re prepping, not only do you need to rotate the food and keep track […]
Can You Grow Your Own Food Without A Garden?
Growing your own food is great if you have a garden. But what if you don’t have much in the way of outdoor space? The good news is, there are ways to grow your own food even without a garden. Image by Couleur from Pixabay Here, we’ll look at some of the best tips you […]
6 Items To Help You Prepare For A Major Disaster
Be prepared. That’s usually advice many of us are given often throughout our lives. Or we’re told in most life situations, that we can never be too prepared. In fact, here’s a popular quote from within the preppers’ and survivalists’ world… That belief is adopted by most serious preppers/survivalists who believe that you that you […]
Think You Could Make It On A Survival Diet?
There surely is no lack of fast food places and supermarkets in most cities and towns. They’re in abundance so there’s a never-ending variety of food choices. With all of these choices, you might find it surprising to learn you can actually live and thrive on only a handful of different foods. Not only can […]
Are You Ready For The Prepper Lifestyle?
Living a prepper lifestyle is not only good for preparing for the future, but it’s a great way to live a less stressful life. Many people get tired of the rat race and long for something more calming. A few give up their suburban lives and head for remote locations. That’s not what being a […]