What Survival Supplies Should You Store For Long-Term Disaster?

Survival supplies are a critical element to having long-term disaster relief. Your life could well depend on how well you prepared before the disaster struck.

Emergency Preparedness Survival Supplies at Amazon

You need to gather what you need to survive right now as well as have a plan for extended disaster. You can store these supplies items in a cool, dry place and have it on hand for when it’s needed.

The need for shelter to be safe from the elements, food, and water, first aid, communication device, and the ability to protect yourself from people or animals that would attempt to harm you are essential considerations you must remember when preparing for long-term disaster relief.

• Long-term supplies to set aside for safety from the elements should be tents for each member of the family if you’re going to use single man tents, sleeping bags, thermal blankets, and ponchos.

• Safety from the elements also includes the ability to keep warm if necessary. You’ll need an axe for cutting wood for fires, a way to start a fire – such as waterproof matches or a lighter, gloves and a multi tool.

1. Your food supply should already be on hand if your survival will be long-term. You’ll want foods that can store for years without the possibility of spoil.

        • Start with your basic foods like sugar, coffee, powered milk and staples like flour and salt.
        • Foods that will keep stored for many years are peanut butter, beans, and rice. Canned foods are an excellent choice to have on hand if you have a handheld can opener. An electric one won’t do you much good if you lose power.
        • Store canned foods like chili, fruits, soups and meats like tuna, salmon, and chicken. Trail mix, beef jerky and powdered juices can all be safely stored for years. If you prepare now, you can make homemade canned items like fruits and vegetables that can last until they’re needed.
        • When you’re storing foods that are in packages, you’ll need to put those down into a container to keep them safe from insects or mice. You can buy bulk supplies of MREs (meals ready to eat) that can feed an entire family for a year or longer.

3. Have communication sources like a cell phone and a battery-operated CB radio. You’ll want to get LED flashlights and lanterns, waterproof bags for clothing and you’ll want to have a way to clean your clothes.

        • Store a laundry board and a five-gallon bucket with some laundry soap and bleach.

4. Store games and other stress busters with your supplies, especially if you have children. Stress can build quickly under these circumstances and in a long-term disaster you need to keep children occupied and entertained.

5. For first aid survival during long-term disaster relief, you’ll need a first aid kit that includes insect repellent, personal hygiene items and field dressings.

• You’ll need tweezers, scissors, and a surgical kit. You may not know how to close a large wound, but in case you need to save a life, you should know this information.

• You can keep a how-to guide on hand with your supplies. Make sure you have supplies that will treat teeth or eye problems too.

6. You should be able to protect yourself and your family from harm. Some people choose to arm themselves with guns and ammunition. If you choose to do that, make sure you store the ammunition in a waterproof box.

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