You Won’t Go Hungry With This Type Of Emergency Food

Emergency food bars is one solution to a shortage of food during a crisis where food is in short supply. Food shortages are usually one of the common, dire results of a severe weather emergency. People are often shut off from essential food supplies and services during these crises.

However, if you’re an enthusiastic prepper, you’d likely be prepared by having stored enough food supplies such as grains, flour, canned foods, etc. Still, if you’re not a like-minded thinker but want to be ready for an emergency where there’s a threat to your food supply, a last-minute solution is to go and get some of these food bars.

What’s the best type of emergency food to store?

One of the best types of foods to store for emergencies are food bars.

emergency food bars for food shortages
Datrex Emergency Food Bars

Unlike vegetables and meat, these items can last a long time. Canned foods such as sardine, tuna and soups are great, too–even some pre-prepared lunch and dinner variety packs.

Still, sometimes if you just want a quick meal without the hassle of opening a can or cooking, a food bar will be an excellent substitute.

The Datrex 3600 Emergency Food Bar is extremely popular with hundreds of reviews and a high rating on Amazon.

One advantage of the biggest advantages of the Datrex Food Bar is that it tastes good. Most of the reviews from satisfied customers mentioned how the bar wasn’t overly sweet and had a pleasant taste with a hint of coconut.

Each bar contains around 200 calories.

• There are 18 bars in a pack. So, you’re looking at 3600 calories per pack.

Datrex bars are individually packaged for easy rationing and each bar is relatively lightweight.

Made with all-natural ingredients, this emergency good bar doesn’t make you thirsty.

• The low sugar content will make it suitable for diabetes patients too. This is a USCG approved product.

Some people may find this emergency food bar a little crumbly and dry.

To rectify this, you could is break it up into a bowl, pour some hot water to make it into a cereal-like paste and eat it. It’ll be more filling, and you’ll be satiated.

Ideally, you should buy this item and give it a try first before buying it in bulk. It’s important that you like the taste of the food supplies you store.

Ask your family members to taste it and if they like it, you can buy the Datrex bars in bulk to save on shipping costs.

Keep in mind that it’s better to store freeze-dried foods in your bug-out bag.

These bars take up space and are heavier than freeze dried food. Since you’ll be carrying your bug-out bag, you do not want it to be cumbersome.

Of course, you can add 3 or 4 Datrex bars in a side compartment of the bag. But generally, this is one of those food items that’s best stored at home.

During a crisis, you can add a bar or two in your pocket or handbag so that you have some fuel while on the go. It’s convenient.

Datrex emergency food bars are not snacks

While you can eat them during emergencies, do not buy them to eat daily if you have access to normal foods.

These are not protein bars. Even protein bars are high in sugar and other additives and not recommended for daily consumption.

  • Stick to normal food during normal times. Do remember to record down the date of expiry when you purchase the food bars.

It will make it easier to remember when the bars expire instead of going down into your basement to check on the stores.

• If your bars expire in a month or two, you can use them for a camping trip or you may consume one or two bars a week so that you slowly finish up what you have stored. This way you don’t waste them.

With the plethora of similar food bars available online, it’s impressive that Datrex 3600 Emergency Food Bar has performed well when compared to competing brands. It’s worth checking out.

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