Can A Freeze-Dried Meal Be Tasty?

There’s a freeze-dried meal for just about everyone. Granted, it’s not likely that you can get a tasty dehydrated juicy hamburger but still…. Storing food rations for a ‘rainy day’ is probably one of biggest chores that most preppers face.

If you’re prepping, not only do you need to rotate the food and keep track of expiry dates, but you need to find food items that are healthy and will last.

It may not seem like it, but storing too many vegetables and a lot of fresh meat in the refrigerator is somewhat short-sighted because…well, think of it this way…

If there’s a power outage during a crisis, the food in the fridge is going to spoil, right?

So, it’s best to focus on storing foods like flour, canned food, dried fruit, emergency food bars, spices, etc.

Then, once you have all these items stored, you should now consider getting freeze-dried foods. This is best purchased from a reputable vendor, and one of the best in the business is Mountain House.

They’ve been around for the past half a century and their adventure meals have been used by thousands of people such as campers, survival experts and even the military. Their freeze-dried meals are nutritious and top of the line in taste and value.

The Mountain House Classic Bucket Meals on Amazon are ideal for preppers who are trying to stay ready in case disaster strikes. The freeze-dried meals are stored in little plastic buckets.

Each bucket has 22, 24 or 30 servings; and Mountain House guarantees that their freeze-dried food will taste good for 30 years. That’s amazing. When you’re in a stressful situation such as the aftermath of a disaster, having something tasty to eat will really lift your sagging spirits.

  • If you’re feeling lazy and don’t want to cook one day, these freeze-dried meals are handy to have on hand. All you need to do is add water into the pouch and wait for 10 minutes. Then, walla! The food will be ready to eat.

You should add several of these Mountain House Pouch kits to your bug out bag, if you have one (which you should). You should have enough to tide you over for at least 72-hours. Keeping 1 bucket in your bug-out bag will give you enough food for 3 days.

All you’ll need with these pouches is a spoon. You won’t need dishes.

  • The Mountain House kit has a high rating on Amazon with over a thousand reviews that are mostly positive. Most of the satisfied customers mentioned that they liked the taste of the meals and that it was filling.

However, when you’re going about preparing for a crisis, it’s best to order one bucket and see for yourself if you like the taste of this freeze-dried meal.

  • It’s imperative that you only store foods you like. If you don’t, your survival situation is going to be miserable.

Ask your family members to try out the rations too. Be adventurous and try flavoring the food with spices, sauces, etc. The rules are not set in stone.

  • When you’re at home, you do not need to cook these meals in pouches. You can use a bowl or plate and season the food with some pepper or tabasco sauce.

What you have is an option to store food rations that are lightweight, convenient, have a very long shelf life and are tasty. You just need to decide if they are right for you, and if they are, do get enough to last you for a month or two.

Having enough food is crucial to making it through a crisis without panicking or depending on food aid from outside. These Mountain House Pouch Kits are based on USDA recommended diet of 2,000 calories/day. So, you’ll be getting all your daily calories.

Don’t underestimate the nutritious value of a freeze-dried meal. Try any of the Mountain House Classic Meals. You’re likely to find a meal that’s not only nutritious buy satisfying as well. And it’s perfect emergency food storage.
