Preppers’ Water Survival Guide
Cooking in a lot of survival situations means having an ample supply of safe, potable water at your disposal. Probably the main source of human existence many people take most for granted is water. Yet, it’s crucial for our survival .
You can go 30 or more days without eating, but only if you get plenty water into your body. This is how essential water is for you to think, move, breathe, and function.
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The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide: Harvest, Treat, and Store Your Most Vital Resource is a definite “must-have” for your off the grid kitchen library.
Many disaster preppers and other survivalists have been stockpiling freeze-dried and powder form foods for the apocalypse.
This means they will need to either add water to these foods before they can eat them or boil the freeze-dried bags in water.
- The book begins by explaining exactly how much water each human being needs every day, in both normal and survival situations. This is a handy section, because it may just reveal to you that you are not drinking enough water for optimal health.
- A discussion of the effects of dehydration is included, and time is taken to tell you that your local government may just be poisoning you with dangerous, unhealthy toxins that are commonplace in municipal water supplies.
This means you may not want to wait until disaster strikes to start preparing your own safe drinking and cooking water. You can use this guide immediately to positively impact the health of you and your family by ensuring the water you drink, cook with and clean with is as safe as it possibly can be.
- A list of water related illnesses is included, so you can spot the symptoms of ingesting unhealthy water.
Chapter 5, titled A Glimpse at Everyday Life Without Running Water, allows you a look into the future. It gives you an idea of exactly what your disaster survival life will look like without the endless “just turn a handle” automatic supply of water human beings have come to rely upon.
- You learn how to create a water plan for your life right now, and for an unfortunate survival situation.
Probably just as important as any of the helpful information in the book, chapters 9 and 10, Testing Your Water and Purifying Your Water, are valuable resources on their own. - Finally, you learn how to find emergency sources of water, how to conserve water, and there are helpful indexes and resources listed that make it easy to put this book into practice.
- You learn how to create a water plan for your life right now, and for an unfortunate survival situation.
A #1 bestseller in the crowded Water Supply and Land Use category at Amazon, The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide: Harvest, Treat, and Store Your Most Vital Resource needs to be on a bookshelf in your home, and is an essential as a survival kitchen resource.