Is FREETOO Tactical Gloves For Men Only For Men? – Review

If your evacuation plan in a crisis is to survive outdoors, then you need tactical gloves. But are gloves a necessity for preppers?  Most preppers and survivalists would say yes, especially for the outdoors. Still, if you’re going to get a pair of gloves, you don’t need to look further than FREETOO’s Tactical Gloves for […]

Is The SE EB122OR Emergency Sleeping Bag Kit With Drawstring As Good As They Say? – Review

Every prepper/survivalist needs and packs a sleeping bag in their bug-out bag. Period. There’s no other way to say it. If you’re into disaster preparedness, it’s an unwritten rule that every family member needs to have their own sleeping bag and it should be stored in their bug-out bag. ⇒The material used needs to be […]

Use Extreme Weather Tents To Stay Warm Indoors

Extreme weather tents can save the day (and more) during severe weather conditions. It may be worrisome to think of how to keep warm indoors during severe cold whether when there’s no heat. Something that many people don’t realize is that if you lose power during a cold snap, and the temperature in your house […]

Are You Prepared If There’s A Power Outage And Your Medical Equipment Requires Electricity?

There are many at home medical equipment that requires electricity.  Yet, when the electricity goes out, it’s more of an annoyance than anything else for many people. To them, it simply means their daily conveniences get interrupted. Most power companies keep a record of the addresses of people who must rely on power to literally […]

Tips To Help You Survive A Cold Blizzard

A cold blizzard can make you feel like the cold get all the way into your bones. With such a feeling, and the cold winter blizzard raging outside, you’re likely to be stuck at home for a few days. This can be depressing. Just like similar disasters such as severe storms, hurricanes and wildfires which […]

Do You Feel Chilled To The Bones At The Mere Thought Of A Winter Power Outage?

Does just the thought of  frozen power lines and a winter power outage during extreme cold weather months make you feel chilled to the bones and you start shivering? When it comes to your ability to do that, camping gear is one of the best choices you can make for your emergency preparation supply. Camping […]

Hurricane preparedness

Are You Prepared For The Next Hurricane?

Arguably, hurricanes can be the mother of severe weather emergencies because they’re not only life-threatening but they’re responsible for very high winds, tornadoes, storm surge and a whole heap of destruction. Surviving any type of hurricane depends on one very important fact: the category hurricane. Critical to your decision making as to what action you’re […]

LifeStraw Personal Water Filter Is So Cool You’ll Shout, “Here, Take My Money Now!”

A good water filter for safe drinking water is essential on any normal day but especially so during weather emergencies where water may become contaminated. Making water safe to drink is the goal of the LifeStraw Personal Water Filter. And this filter is one of their products that’s so useful and cool that you just […]

It's important to prepare for flood

6 Tips And Strategies To Prepare For A Flood

It’s not debatable: We simply must prepare for a flood because floods are not going to end anytime soon. Mother Nature makes that decision for us. Even in the Bible, Noah had to build an ark to weather a flood. And here we are, still dealing with flooding. What compounds the issue is that with […]

I Dare You To Find An Easier Way To Stay Warm Than With This Mylar Emergency Blanket

Have you ever heard of mylar blankets? It’s probably safe to say that you haven’t. Many people haven’t heard of a mylar emergency blanket. On the other hand, many people have seen images of immigrant children, as well as adults, in tents with those silver blankets wrapped around their shoulders. Those are mylar blankets, also […]