How Do You Cook Even If You Have No Power?
Cooking without power can be challenging. When there’s a power outage, preparing food to sustain you and your family during an emergency requires patience and imagination. Because unless you have a large supply of non-perishable food, cooking then becomes a burden and a huge concern when there’s no power. Even when you do have some […]
What Kind Of Generator Should You Use To Keep Power Flowing In An Outage?
With severe weather events on the rise, having a generator can be a very valuable asset because inevitably during some of these extreme occurrences, there will be power outages. If the power outage is brief, it can be easy to go without power for a few hours. However, if the outage lasts awhile, you’re going […]
Are You Prepared If There’s A Power Outage And Your Medical Equipment Requires Electricity?
There are many at home medical equipment that requires electricity. Yet, when the electricity goes out, it’s more of an annoyance than anything else for many people. To them, it simply means their daily conveniences get interrupted. Most power companies keep a record of the addresses of people who must rely on power to literally […]
Do You Feel Chilled To The Bones At The Mere Thought Of A Winter Power Outage?
Does just the thought of frozen power lines and a winter power outage during extreme cold weather months make you feel chilled to the bones and you start shivering? When it comes to your ability to do that, camping gear is one of the best choices you can make for your emergency preparation supply. Camping […]
6 Tips And Strategies To Prepare For A Flood
It’s not debatable: We simply must prepare for a flood because floods are not going to end anytime soon. Mother Nature makes that decision for us. Even in the Bible, Noah had to build an ark to weather a flood. And here we are, still dealing with flooding. What compounds the issue is that with […]
Do You Know What To Do To Survive A Drought?
The most important element in contemplating how to survive a drought is access to water. Arguably, dealing with a drought can be more challenging than forest fires or floods. Still, it’s difficult to predict how long a water drought could last. A long absence of rainfall results in water shortage. Storing large amounts of water […]
Prepper Food Storage Tips
The prepper food storage plan is the first step in making sure you’ll have enough food to last through an emergency. Without preparation you’ll be scurrying around in a panic, grabbing any and every food related item you can get your hands on when the emergency hits. You need to be smart about having your […]
Avoid This Mistake During A Severe Weather Emergency And Call For Help
Is it pride? Fear? Who knows? But one of the biggest mistakes some people make in emergency weather situations: They hesitate to call for help. For some reason, many people like to try to stick it out, even when they start to suffer because of it. They delay in deciding whether they should ask, wasting […]
4 Basic Items You Must Have To Make Sure You Stay Connected During Weather Emergencies
There’s little doubt that transmission channels will be tested during an extreme weather emergency. Still, in an age where communication seems so effortless and natural with mobile devices at hand 24/7, you might panic when you lose power at home, and you’re left without a way to get in contact with other people. Whether you […]
High Calorie Foods Will Maintain Your Energy During A Survival Emergency
Calories are the fuel that your body runs on. Basically, calories are your energy. You must consume a minimal amount of them each day for your body to function. High calorie foods help to that end in a survival emergency. When you don’t have enough calories, not only will you lack energy, but over time, […]